Join the 2025-26 pta board

Joining the PTA board is a wonderful way to use your leadership skills for the benefit of our entire Aldama community! We need you! Our goal is to have a group of volunteers on the PTA Board who represent as many grade levels as possible. That way, we will best represent the whole student community. Plus, it makes it easier to pass on knowledge about running the PTA in future years. According to our bylaws (the rules we follow as a non-profit) our board must have at least a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Is that you? We think that’s you! Our election will take place at the Association Meeting on May 15, 2025.

Nomination Form for election (May 15, 2024)

Thank you to our amazing volunteers on the Nominating Committee who are responsible for collecting the names of candidates to run for PTA board positions. Think you or someone you know would be great for one or more of the PTA Board positions below? Fill out this form and let us know!

PTA Board Roles and Responsibilities


    Our PTA President is responsible for ensuring the work of all our officers and committees is being completed according to the mission and budget of our organization. They lead both our Board and Association meetings (two meetings per month), and represent our school at Council and District-level meetings (when necessary).



    Our Executive Vice President is expected to “serve as the primary aide to the President,” which means a good working relationship is essential. They perform any of the duties of the President in the President’s absence, and work with the Board and other volunteers to ensure our fundraising and programming activities proceed as planned.



    Our treasurer is responsible for keeping our financial house in order! They maintain an accurate accounting system (spreadsheets in Google Drive) by recording income and expenses, as well as maintaining a binder with hard copies of transaction documents. The Treasurer prepares & presents the annual budget, provides Treasurer’s Reports at meetings, and is responsible for annual financial filings, such as taxes and insurance.



    Our Secretary is responsible for keeping an accurate record of all of our meeting minutes for both Association and Board meetings. They work with the Treasurer to ensure bookkeeping records are accurate, and help to gather content for the PTA e-newsletter. If qualified, they may also maintain the PTA web site (



    Our Parliamentarian (an appointed, not elected, position) keeps all of us in line with our Bylaws. If ever you’re curious about all the various rules about how and why we do things a certain way, find our Parliamentarian!


  • committee chairs & APPOINTEES:

    Our Committee Chairs & Appointees (appointed, not elected, positions) serve on the Board and lead specific fundraising and/or programming initiatives. They manage expectations and timelines, help gather volunteers, and provide updates to the Board and Association regarding their specific activities. Current committees include: Arts Committee and Green Team Committee.

    • NOMINEES: (Arts Committee), (Grean Team Committee), (Room Parent Representative), (Teacher Representative), Laura Gutierrez (Principal Representative)